Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Event Planning/Creative Process

Why is it important to brainstorm when creating a regular ministry night? How does cardstorming work and why should we use it? Do you think that the different ideas that we talked about in class will help you out later on in ministry?


  1. It is important to brainstorm when creating a regular ministry night because then you have the chance to get rid of all the shaky ideas or ones that would not really make a good topic to talk about. Cardstorming is when you have your group each write an idea on an index card and then throw them in the middle and just keep going. We should use this because it is a great way to get a ton of ideas. I do think that these ways of planning lessons will help me later on in ministry, they are a lot of awesome ways to brainstorm and organize lessons.

  2. I think that it is important to brainstorm when creating a regular ministry because it is going to give you a ton of different ideas and topics to use in case the one that you had already planned does not seem to fit anymore or goes by too quickly. It is a good idea to do the cardstorming because it will allow the chance for you to hear from others on what areas they feel need discussed and will allow for you to be able to talk through some of those issues or topics. I think that these ideas will definitely help me in my future ministry as I go about planning out my week for my youth group.

  3. It is important to brainstorm because sometimes when you are thinking you say random ideas and they may not be the best of ideas and having others there and seeing those ideas you are able to cut them out early and not waste time with them. It works by having a certain amount of time to write down ideas on cards and throw them in a pile and from there you can pick out the good ones. We should use it because it helps you get a lot of ideas fast. I think that they will help out later on in ministry later on because they were goo ideas and they were easy and help me be able to you other people around me so that i dont have to use a lot of time searching for ideas.

  4. It is important to brainstorm because it allows you to pick and choose from the best ideas that way your event is better. Cardstorming is when you brainstorm on cards. You have people write their ideas on the cards and put them in the middle. Then you select cards from the middle and keep the good and throw out the bad. Its an easy effective way to brainstorm. The ways we talked about brainstorming in class will help me because I will use them. They are good ideas and easy ways to brainstorm.

  5. Brainstorming is crucial because it involves everyone in the planning process and it helps us all bounce ideas off of each other. Card-storming works because everyone can write their ideas so that they are heard, but then one person can collect and organize a stack of ideas, activities, or lessons. It's like having a mini-binder for an event or lesson! :) The different ideas we talked about in class will definitely help me because it provides structure in an otherwise free, crazy process. I will be sure to incorporate processes we used for organizing and structuring team planning and organizing for maximum input and structure!

  6. Brainstorming is really important because when you're on a ministry team, you want to feel like you have input in everything that goes on. If the head youth leader is the only one coming up with ideas at all, then it's not really a team. This can also be exhausting for the head youth leader. You have different strengths on your team for a reason, and getting different ideas from people can be a really good thing because it gives you a chance to see some ideas you may not have thought about on your own. I think that a lot of the ideas we talked about will be really beneficial later on in ministry. I know I'd like to use them someday.
