Sunday, March 3, 2013


How did it help you and your group to work through the games and activities for the mid-term party and MSO with the class? In what ways was it easy or challenging to adapt? To accept criticism? What was one part of good game developing that you learned from class or reading that you hadn't heard or thought of before?


  1. I have to say that it was very good to work through the games with the whole class. I hadn't thought about how things like chair basketball or a relay race might not work out as well. I was fine with accepting the criticism because it helped us to work through things that might be problematic, and having to adapt our games to fit the classroom was good for us to practice our adjustment abilities. We can't always do what we had planned because of space issues that might happen.

  2. I think it helped our group to talk more through our games because it helped us to think of things that could go wrong or we would need, etc. We did not have to adapt our game too much, so that was not a challenge for us. I found it easy to accept criticism because I know they are only trying to help us and make the experience better as a whole. One important aspect that I am learning from class is to find a job in a game for everyone, no matter if you have to make it up on the fly or not. For example, having people be refs, judges, etc.

  3. I think it was really cool getting feedback from the class. I really liked a lot of the feedback we received, and I think it was good to hear some criticism for each of the groups. Afterall, if we can't accept criticism from our peers, how can we expect to be able to take criticism from the students that we're going to have during MSO? It was challenging for my group to adapt our pizza party game at first because it's a game that's meant for big, open areas. I thought it was really great overall though to go off of the class' ideas.

  4. I enjoy getting feedback and getting to demonstrate to the class so that we are all a part of developing each others game plans. I'd say that what stood out to me the most was how important it is to think through a game and how many ways there are to cheat or go around the rules so that in explaining directions, you know what to address. I think the laid back setting of our class made it easy to adapt. It's nice to go into presenting the game knowing that classmates are only trying to help, not judge. As for criticism, I look forward to hearing any feedback because it affirms that the others in the class care enough to give their input, plus it challenges me so that I am not settling for something less than the best I have to offer.

  5. I really liked playing the games that we will be doing at MSO and the Pizza Party, because it showed some of the things that people in class are thinking of doing and it showed me some other ideas of types of games to consider. Learning that we need to adapt our games was a very vital thing to learn. We cannot predict everything that is going to happen at the party or MSO, so learning to adapt now, will help us to be confident if we have to adapt at the events. I was greatful for the help that the others groups gave us reguarding our plans for MSO because we learned something that we needed to change, that our group did not think about. Having help from others can give new insights.

  6. It helped me to get a better picture of what the kids would actually be doing and to make sure that the games would actually be fun for them. I feel like it was very easy to adapt you just have to be willing to adapt. You have to be willing to accept criticism in order to give it. You have to make sure that the games are not to long in order to keep their attention.

  7. I thought it went very well, getting criticism from the other groups as well as James really helped my group to develop our games further and really figure out how to plan for them time wise. It was important for everyone to discuss the different games we are all planning for, so that we can avoid doing similar games. I thought it was good for all of us to see what games were planned so that we can focus on the other things involving the party.

  8. Walking through our games and activities really gave us some insight on how long each game will take and also let us know what games we will actually be able to play. It was somewhat challenging narrowing down what games we can play with such a large group, but overall it wasn't too bad. Something that I learned was that you actually have to sit down and plan out each individual game. You can't simply say you're going to play this game or that game without considering the size of your group, what materials you will and won't have, etc.

  9. I think it worked really well. We got to give our inpute into what worked and what didn't work. It was easy to adapt to our space. We only have a certian amount of space and so I think the different people that lead games in the room adpated well and made the games even more enjoyable. One good game development that I learned was to make sure you know the rules really well before you explain the game. A lot of the times we get ahead of ourselves and think we know all the rules but then get stuck half way through and draw a blank. It is important to know what you are going to say ahead of time.
