Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Godly play

What are your feelings on Godly play? How did you feel while you were experiencing the Godly play exercise during class? Is Godly play something that you would use in your future ministry? Is Godly play something you would incorporate in your home in the future? What aspects of Godly play did you think would be effective in ministry?


  1. I would definitely say that using the Godly play exercise during class was very interesting. I had never heard of the exercise before and afterwards it really did give me a new understanding of the story that had been read to us. It is definitely something that I will incorporate in my house and my ministry. It is good to be able to ask those kinds of questions such as I wonder what went through their minds and other questions like that. It is sometimes a good thing to be able to think outside of the box like that in order to understand the stories we are being taught a little better. My group used this method while we taught our lesson to our kids on Monday and they responded great to it. I definitely think that it is something that should be used in every ministry. It is very valuable.

  2. I really like Godly play, and I definitely enjoyed it when we did it in class. I would use Godly play both in my home and in my ministry in the future. I think that Godly play is very beneficial because it allows people to thihk of God outside the box. It helps them to come up with questions of their own instead of simply thinking about what people are telling them. I especially like the "I wonder" questions because it allows you to put yourself in the actual story and begin to think about what it would feel like. I also think that thinking about God in this way and playing in this sense helps the kids to remember the stories because it becomes so much more than just a story, it becomes an actual moment in time that they have put themselves into because of thinking about these questions and such.

  3. I really liked the Godly play excercise. I thought it helped me concentrate and focus on the story. I would use this method in my ministry and my home. Because I think that this will help people focus. I think it will help them think out of the box.

  4. I feel like Godly play is a very important and smart thing to have for your children because it allows them to see that God is important in your life so you want it to be important in their life as well. I felt like I was really doing what i am called to be. I will for sure use Godly play in my ministry and if npot then with my own children. I feel like the separation from the rest of what you are doing to show the importance of God and the significance of separation.

  5. I thought that Godly play was very interesting because I have never heard of it or seen it used. It was a very creative way of learning that engaged multiple senses. I can see how it would be a lot more effective than just reading the story to kids. I think that this is something that I would use with my kids that I teach. I really liked the grid idea and the idea of letting kids express what they learned through playdough or legos. I think this is a great new idea for me to put in my teaching strategies binder.

  6. I think that Godly play does a lot more for forming those involved than other more linear ways. You really get to experience the story, and appreciate that it is also your story. I absolutely plan to use this in ministry and in my home. With Godly play, whether at home or in a church setting of some sort, the story shapes you. Our group used it for our lesson and I thought they responded to it very well.

  7. I think the overall idea of Godly play is really interesting and a wise concept, but I also think it needs to be lead by people who have really been trained in it. It can be hard to get kids to listen when you're trying to give a lesson when they are playing with something else. I think this kind of thing takes a lot of patience and the leaders need to have experience in the area. I think it is effective in that kids love to play, so it's a great way to help them learn when it is done correctly.

  8. I enjoy the idea of Godly play for children because it gives them a way to interact with the story. However, when working with teenagers a lot of times the idea of simply "playing" makes them feel like children. Perhaps using the ideas of drawing out what comes to mind while they listen could help them to connect with it better, but other than that I would be afraid of them thinking that it was far too juvenile for them to participate in. I personally enjoyed it, but I know that sometimes it is simply not an option due to the kind of group you have. However, I would like to use this with my family when I reach that stage in life.

  9. I like the idea of Godly play! I enjoyed that portion of class and I can definitely see a place for it in ministry. Playing, especially with an attempt to model Godly play let's teens let loose and be true to who they are with others.
