Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Teaching Kiddos

As you were preparing to teach your lesson to the kids, what was going through your mind? Where you nervous or scared? Where you prepared and able to make a lesson? What did you feel when the kids first walked in?  What were your overall feelings about the day?


  1. I was slightly nervous when preparing for teaching the kids. I think we were pretty well prepared and taught our lesson well by asking many questions that made our girls think more in depth about the story. I was more scared that they were just going to stare at us and not understand or want to participate in what we had planned. However, they were very willing participants, (which little kids usually are!) and the lesson went over a lot better than I expected and it was a good experience.

  2. The more and more that my group and I discussed the details of our lesson and how we planned on teaching it to the kids, the more excited I got about it. I mean let's be honest who wouldn't have fun wrapping someone in aluminum foil and making armor for them. When the kids first walked in I was hoping for younger kids for some reason but I am glad that we ended up with the group that we did. I felt like they enjoyed themselves and that our lesson was not only entertaining to them but that they took something away from it as well. It made me excited to teach those sort of lessons to kids after I graduate.

  3. While we were preparing I didnt know what to expect. I love kids so I was excited. But I didn't know what was going to happen. I was hoping the kids would like our lesson. We were prepared and ready for the lesson. When the kids came in I was excited and ready to get it started. Overall I thought the day went well. At first it was a little crazy but we got them settled down and they were able to focus.

  4. What was going through my mind was that i wasn't really sure how to act towards the children because I am interested in Youth Ministry not childrens. When the kids first walked in i was excited because i was looking forward to playing games with them. Over all I feel like it went wel and that it will be better in the future.

  5. I will admit that I was caught off guard. I had mentally prepared for having kids in the younger age range, and when we got the older ones I was thrown a little bit. But my group came together really well, and we had a awesome time(especially wraping Katie in tin foil like a giant leftover). It was great to connect with our kids and just work through the story together.

  6. I was so excited to teach the kids last week. Most of the classes that I have taken have been full of youth ministry majors (which is great), but I haven't been able to do a lot of in class activities pertaining to children. I wasn't really nervous or scared. I was slightly stressed because we did not know which age group we would have beforehand. I was prepared and able to make a lesson, simply because I have had a lot of experience doing so. When the kids first walked in, I was super excited! Overall, I absolutely enjoyed the experience.

  7. I was so excited to teach the kids. I teach kids normally, but most of the times I feel like there is not much of a response. These children were so much fun to work with, and I would love another opportunity to teach them again. I loved getting to teach them such a well known story and adding in different things to help them see it better.

  8. I was really nervous at first, to be honest. I've gotten so used to teaching teenagers over the past couple of years that I felt really out of my element when I knew I was going to have to work with children. However, I felt like our group was prepared, and I feel like the children really enjoyed the experience overall. I really fell in love with the group of children I got to work with and I felt like it was an experience from God. Overall, even though I was nervous to start off, I feel like the whole experience went really well. It's not exactly something I want to constantly be doing, but it was a great experience.

  9. I wasn't really nervous or scared, though I will admit that I was a little uneasy just because I had never taught kids before. How I was going to teach these kids is what was going through my mind. I believe that I was prepared as well as the rest of my group. My overall feelings were that children's ministry is definitely not my calling, but I still believe that my group did a pretty good job teaching them our assigned story.

  10. I was excited to teach the children until they arrived and it hit me how incredibly different they are from adolescents. I quickly realized all that I was hoping to accomplish was far fetched. After all was said and done, I enjoyed playing with the kids but struggled in teaching them. I love diving into deep discussions and that's something you just can't do with children. I love their innocence and playful nature but have a tough time connecting with and sharing information with kids. Working with youth is much more in my comfort zone, but I see room for growth with serving children!
