Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Post Camp Planning

We just went through camp planning. Now that we have given our presentations, what do you think is the most important thing in camp planning? What would you do differently if you did it again? What are some things that went into camp planning that you've never thought about before?


  1. I think the most important thing about camp planning is thinking about the theme and what your goals are for that week. What do we want to get across to the students? What are effective ways in which to do that? I think this is huge b/c it ultimately determines everything else that happens in the planning process. I think if I were to do it differently, I would definitely have thought more about advertisement. Our group went with just posters and word of mouth, but technology is huge in our world today and being able to show a video about the camp and the activities offered is another huge resource!!! So I would definitely incorporate that and maybe other fun advertisement techniques.

  2. I believe that the most important part in planning a camp in decided your goals of the camp and what you want the campers to learn while they are there. The goals are really the foundation of the entire camp because that is what you base the rest of the camp on from the theme to the speaker you hire to the activities you have the campers participate in throughout the week. Advertisement is also a huge part since that is how you interest people into coming. And if you don't have campers then you don't have a camp.

  3. I believe that the most important parts of camp planning are goals and contingency. I believe knowing what you want your youth group to learn and making sure most events at the camp are intentional is essential to help leave an impact on teens. Also when planning I believe the next most important part is preparing for anything that could possibly go wrong especially with the budget planning to make sure everything is covered and making sure there is enough money for any extra last minute costs. What I would do differently is making sure that the theme flows better through out the event. Also I would like to go into much more details and make sure everything is covered in the event something were to go wrong.

  4. There are a lot of small things that I overlooked in the planning of the camp. It's important to always plan your lodging around how man girls and boys there will be. Just because there are 50 kids attending doesn't mean there will be 25 boys and 25 girls. It's also important to plan out all the downtime and to plan extra activities in case of weather.

  5. I think the most important part of camp planning is to know what you want your students to get out of the camp and to work towards achieving that. There were a lot of small things that I wouldn't have really thought about when it comes to planning, like what the weather will be like that week. If it rained, what would the students do during free time instead of the outdoor activities? One thing I would do if I were to plan another camp would be have backup options for free time in case of bad weather.

  6. What I believe to be the most important thing about camp planning is the theme. The reason that the theme is most important is because everything else could go perfectly but if your theme does not fit then the teens are not going to get the message that you want them to get in the first place. One thing that goes into the camp planning that I had never thought about before was the food that you are going to have at the camp.

  7. Budget to me is the most important thing in camp planning. You must account for everything possible so that nothing is unaccounted for and make sure you have money for the unexpected. It is important because if we do not account for something or get the prices wrong then we may cause detrimental effects to the outcome of our camp.

  8. I think the most important thing about camp planning is the way that the schedule is planned out. If you plan to much stuff, the kids will get worn out to early and not participate, but if you plan too little they will get to bored and not have a fun time. I never really thought about the camp budget. I guess it was always in the back of my mind but I never thought about how people come up with the price for the camp. After going through and making a budget ourselves, I understand why some camps can be so expensive.

  9. I Believe that the speaker or theme would probably the most important, I believe this because you can always have fun, that not hard. but you have a chance to reach kid's you might never have again, and if you let that chance past then what was the point of the week? I don't think I would do anything differently, but I do think it was nice to work as a group because even for an imaginary camp it would have been a lot of work for anyone to do my themselves.

  10. I think the most important things are the the kids safety and well being, along with their spiritual growth. Don't get me wrong, I think having fun is a key part of camp, but pushing the campers to go deeper in their relationships with the Lord is much more satisfying and worth while in the long run.

  11. We just went through camp planning. Now that we have given our presentations, what do you think is the most important thing in camp planning? What would you do differently if you did it again? What are some things that went into camp planning that you've never thought about before?

    The most important thing I believe you should know is the spiritual theme of the week. What do we want the kids to receive during the week, weekend, or however long the camp is? The message we convey to the kids needs to be planned and Led by the Holy Spirit when planning. I know budget and schedule are also very important because we want the kids to have a good time and the best experience possible. Also budget is important because the Lord calls us to be good stewards of our money. Still the most important part of planning would be the spiritual side of the camp and the message we want to get across. That is what I realized we planning for a camp experience.

  12. I think the most important thing about camp planning is being intentional about all aspects of camp. Programming especially must be intentional in every way. I think I would try to be even more intentional about activities and maybe even choose a theme that supports these intentional activities. Budget it something that I have not had much experience with. I didn't even think about how complex a complete budget would be for a week of camp.

  13. I think the most important thing about camp planning is being intentional about all aspects of camp. Programming especially must be intentional in every way. I think I would try to be even more intentional about activities and maybe even choose a theme that supports these intentional activities. Budget it something that I have not had much experience with. I didn't even think about how complex a complete budget would be for a week of camp.

  14. I think the most important thing about camp planing is finding a theme and using it properly. It is important to think about your students and the issues that they could be going through. Using this information properly is a good way to connect and make a lasting impact. If we were to plan a camp again, I would pay more attention to the budget. I do not have much experience with working with budgets and i realized how complex it can be.

  15. I think the most important part of camp planning is double, or even triple checking EVERYTHING! There are so many different aspects that go into planning for a camp like that, and you need to make sure that every detail is accounted for. If you do not double check everything, it would be very easy to forget about something or make a mistake. One thing that i never really thought about with camp planning is all of the financial responsibilities that goes into it. When we were figuring our budget and cost and everything, i was kind of getting stressed out because i am not a numbers kind of person!

  16. I think the most important part is understanding your campers. When you are planning to have a camp or a retreat you have to be able to recognize the capabilities of your students as well as what they already know.I would definitely think more about the budget aspect that goes into it.
