Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Creative Planning Process

James began sharing the creative planning process the second part of class. I don't know about you guys, but I loved it. I have never participated in that process of narrowing down ideas. I enjoyed hearing others ideas through the process. Which of the steps did you like? Did you find it easy or difficult to share ideas and opinions with the group? Would you use this creative planning process in ministry?


  1. I really enjoyed the brain storming portion of the creative planning process. Giving 3-5 minutes plus bonus time was a good way for everyone to interact and share their ideas. I felt as though it was easy for me to share ideas and opinions with the group. I think we worked really well together and were able to really voice our opinions too. I did find it difficult during the clumping process as well as the latter part of the platonic triangle to choose a side and to make choices. Those steps are needed, but they weren't easy ones sometimes. I would use this creative planning process in ministry and in other areas in my life because I believe it is a good system of coming up with common ground with others in a free yet organized practical way.

  2. This brainstorming idea is so affective and exciting because it makes you realize how much you need the support and opinion of other people to come up with the best possible ideas and through this process you grow closer to the people that you are with. Under a different context, Christian or non-Christian, this process might cause irritation and frustration within a group but thankfully we went about it in the proper way it should be done. That way is to truly find the best possible options by conversing over each idea with each other and being open-minded to the best possible solution. I would most definitely use this creative planning process in ministry if I was responsible for planning a large scale event.

  3. I have done a similar creative process planning before only then it was just me. The clumping and categorizing step I enjoyed most. There's just something about seeing how ideas connect and finding their common element that invigorates me. Of course this made it a little difficult to hear others perspectives when I felt strongly about a particular pairing or naming. There were only a couple things I actually felt strongly about which was good. Despite the inner conflict I had, I do believe I would still use this process with my leadership team someday, because I really do value other viewpoints.

  4. I, too, have never participated in a group brain storming exercise like that before. It was interesting to have everyone speak simultaneously. I found it eye-opening to hear what others had to offer, especially when my train of thought had not gone anywhere close to where another person's might have gone. However, what I found challenging was thinking on my toes so quickly. I understand that strategizing is a necessary component, and that the quicker it goes, the greater chance there is for people to participate; but at the same time, it was harder for me to process everything at that same speed. I am slow learner, and with that comes a much more cautious and particular way of thinking. For me, it was challenging to let loose and share all of my ideas simply because of the speed that ideas were being fired out. The entire time I felt as if I could not keep up. I hope to some day be able to think on my toes more effectively so that I can confidently participate within ministry more.

  5. I think the process was very valuable and rewarding. Getting to hear what everyone else thought of when they heard the word "Brave" was really interesting. We are all so different and have different ideas and getting to plan together opened up so many more possibilities that no single person could have thought of on their own. I thought it was a little difficult because not all of us viewed things the same way or put the same amount of importance on each topic. Overall, I think that the process made the results that much richer in content and importance than it would have been if a single person tried to do the same thing. I think that this will be a major contribution to my future ministry.

  6. I really liked the entire process that we went through. Hearing everyone's ideas and then thoughts on what could be grouped together and why was a really good insight for me. It was easy for me to share my thoughts, but I was having a hard time coming up with thoughts that hadn't already been mentioned. I am the kind of person who thinks things through thoroughly and then suggests them. However, I really liked this method for a planning process and I would absolutely implement it in my ministry.

  7. I thought the planning process for me was really unique. It was something I had never had the opportunity to experience before and am glad that I know how it works now so that I can apply that knowledge to my future ministry. It would have been easy for me to share my thoughts if I could have gotten those thoughts to form words that would come out of my mouth. I thought the atmosphere around the event was really energizing and free flowing that it helped me come up with opinions and ideas that i would not have formed otherwise.
