Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why do we need recreation ministry?

Recreation ministry is important in any type of ministry that we have in the church. It is a way that we can get out of our comfort zone because in recreation ministry we may be doing things that we are not completely comfortable with doing. It also keeps us focused on inform, apply, reflect, and review idea. When we become more concerned with that idea then our services change from just know what the topic that we are talking about that night to transforming that whole person and that is the whole point of ministry.


  1. Recreation ministry is a great way to minister to others, because not everyone learns in the same manner. For an instructor to involve their students in the lesson through activities will help the students realize how the lesson is applicable to their every day lives. Then once they go out into the world they can then live what they have learned. Which goes back to the loop of inform, apply, reflect, and review.

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  3. I love the idea of recreation ministry. I think it is a great way to get out of the box when it comes to our perception of ministry. I also think it is a great way of engaging all different generations in ministry whether it be a sunday morning setting or a bible study setting. There is the ability to have discipleship and mentoring come of out of recreational ministry. Granted it is "out of the box", I feel like if more churches would get a grasp on it, we would see the numbers in churches sky rocket!!!

    1. I completely agree. I especially like the idea of bringing together different generations. It is crucial that the church builds relationship between the young and the old. There has been far too many problems in the church today simply because the older generation doesn't see eye to eye with the younger generation. I have one question, should it be our main goal to increase the numbers in our churches? Or should our focus be elsewhere?

  4. Recreational ministry falls under the category of "blatant evangelism opportunity." Particularly for youth, games and other organized sporting events are a great way to impact kids that would not normally darken the door of a church on Sunday morning. Recreational ministry gives us the opportunity to BE the Church outside the four wall of the church. This is a perfect way to "make disciples of all nations."

    1. I believe that Recreational ministry has probably been one of the ministries that has not received that much credit because most people think it is just about playing games. It is so much more than that though, it is a way to bring a less threatening approach to the Gospel for people just coming to it. That does not mean that we are to forget that we are still doing a ministry with the recreation and we also must remember that yes we are making the environment more comfortable, but we must make sure that we are not making the Word more comfortable to fit what the world wants. We must stay strong in the message as Jesus did because we are to follow in his example any way we can, even if that way is sharing his ministry through recreation.

  5. Recreation ministry is important because it uses different techniques to bring a somewhat diverse group of people together. Then pressures individuals to work out their faith in a creative way. Forcing those involved to get out of their personal comfort levels to evaluate themselves and then how to apply what they learn from an activity to life. This reflecting the inform, apply, reflect, and review. Lastly recreational ministry is a way to speak to those with different learning styles. Instead of just sitting and listening to someone talk it speaks to those who learn better in a more hands on or visual environment. -Christian

  6. Recreation ministry is a creative way to draw others in that would not usually associate with the church or have anything to do with Christ. I have noticed through experience that people will come for the out of the box type experience that recreation ministry offers when they might even despise the church. The thing I love about this type of ministry is that it shows that we can have fun with ministry and fellowship. If people that hate the church could see the love of Christ through fellowship and fun of recreation ministry, then there whole view of the church can be completely altered.

  7. I really like the idea of Recreational Ministry. It is a great way to for people to work on their faith in a unique way. Recreation ministry can be a bridge to start inviting people who aren't quite sure about church, by doing an event that is fun and different from a normal church service can enable one to try something new involving the church. Even though playing a game might seem silly to some people, it is a great opportunity to witness in a fun and exciting way.

  8. I agree, when we focus more on what God would have us do rather than what we are comfortable with we can actually make a difference in peoples lives. Whenever we focus on God it allows for transformation, both through you and through those you are ministering to. Another great concept of recreational ministries is that it doesn't look a typical form of ministry; you can have a much broader spectrum of people involved and not be scared off by "religion." You are also able to teach through relationships and intentionally.

  9. Recreational Ministry is a great way to get people who previously have had little or no interest in church to have at least some interest. When my youth group started using more recreational ministry, more people attended. They also were more inclined to bring their friends because it was fun; we were actually getting up and doing something instead of sitting around.

  10. Recreational ministry is definitely needed in society today, whether that be in church outside of church or another part of the world. It is needed because it helps everyone get active in ministry. People actually are participating and serving God when active in recreational ministry. Recreational ministry is also super vital because every age group can participate, it can help close the intergenerational gaps that some churches are facing today. The different age groups can interweave and work together in recreational ministry. I think that is very vital for the different generations to be working together in the ministry while building relationships with one another, and recreational ministry can make that possible. Recreational Ministry is just a great way to teach about ministry, reach out to others in the community, and a great way to be active in ministry.

  11. Recreational ministry is a very important aspect of ministry. It helps to allow other people to get comfortable in there environment and maybe even come out of there comfort zones. It can also allow you to get people involved in something that will tie in to your message and keep it fun for everyone. I am supper excited to be taking this class and can't wait to learn how to excited with all different learners and make them fell involved in the group.

  12. i think that recreational ministry is one of the best ways out there to minister to our generation. They all become so defensive the moment you mention church, god, Jesus, the bible, or sin but if you mention football for example you are instantly a new best friend. this is an opportunity to get close and become trusted while they do not have there guard up.

  13. Recreation ministry is VERY important. For one, it is one thing that separates our youth group classrooms from boring school classrooms. If students come to a youth group, and all they do is sit and listen to a lecture, they are quickly going to disengage from that youth group. We need fun and interactive ways to involve the students in their youth group. Also i think it fulfills God's plan for us to be joyful in our praise to Him.

  14. Recreational ministries is extremely useful. Think about it as a college student. What do we hate? Long boring lectures. The more fun and active you make learning, the easier the concepts are grasped and learned. Now... Recreational ministries could also be harmful if the organizers lose focus on teaching the overall message they are trying to articulate.

  15. Recreational ministry is what will draw in the new generation. There is an unrest amongst young people about traditional ways of worship and ministry. Not to say that we should disregard these, but we need to add new recreational ministries to tradition. This mix is healthy because the tradition gives us roots and a foundation, and recreational ministry gives us room to explore the movement of the Holy Spirit.
