Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Expereimental methods and the bible

Keith sharier

What does the concept of parables mean to you?  Why are parables an important method of teaching concepts of the Bible? What is your favorite parable and why does it stand out to you?

To me, parables bring LIFE to the words that are there on the page. It’s almost too easy to read straight through a book or to hear a story and not grasp the true concept that it was attempting to put forth. But when you give the reader/listener that visual image it not only gives them a new way to look at it, it also gives them a chance to literally relate to what is written/said and instead of just words, it gives them a chance to feel as if they are interacting with the story as well. Parables give you that “ohhhhhh I get it feeling” instead of reading/ hearing something and wondering….”umm, what on earth is going on?”. Parables make it easier to remember the important concepts that God wants us to follow and through the practical element that it puts forth. My favorite parable comes from– Matthew 13:31–32 He set another parable before them, saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches." This has always stuck out to me because when I read it I feel powerful! In the sense that, with God…ALL things are truly possible, with faith as SMALL as a tiny little mustard seed the possibilities are absolutely endless. It shows me that when you Trust in the Lord, that the seemingly meaningless seed that you sowed… will end up growing into a HUGE tree beyond all belief and your world will totally get rocked…in a good way!


  1. Parables are figures of speech of a story or tales that are taught to illustrate a point in sermon, backed by life experience to teach a lesson.
    I always thought that parables are for the wise and matured. Jesus spoke in parables to make it easier for people to understand his messages, but sometimes it is not really easy to understand, I think parables are spoken so that a person could insert themselves in the situation and make it their own. Jesus always spoke for everyone, not just for one situation. If he had use one example that is distinct and clear, people will only apply it to themselves only when they are in exact situation.
    My favorite parable is the parable of the guest (humility)-Luke 14:8, it teaches you about how people should humble themselves before men and God, instead of their life honors and titles. It teaches you that, fellowshipping with human being with mutual is more important than the degrees you have acquired. It is so because the bible clearly states that God opposes the proud and exalt the humble -James 4:6

  2. To me it seems that a parable is like a grand metaphor. Often Jesus begins with: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like..." Just like a metaphor begins. Parables are an important method for teaching in the Bible because they relate every day things to people in a ways that express profound truth. Parables are not always easy to understand, even the disciples didn't understand sometimes, but they are worth the work it takes to finally reach that "aha" moment. As a reader in the 21st century we have to look back at the context and think about what a listener in Jesus' time would have understood everything to mean.

    My favorite parable is the parable of the pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18:9). I really like this parable because it has such great imagery, I can imagine both men going up to the temple to pray, and the people who Jesus was telling this story to expecting prayer of the pharisee to be heard. Jesus says that the tax collectors prayer, an honest prayer filled with humility, is heard and answered. Jesus says that the tax collector went to his home justified rather than the other. It is easy to become like the pharisee for me. I started off in my Christian walk as a very legalistic person, thankful that I wasn't like the unchurched. As I moved on I became less than enthused with the commercial christianity, thankful that I wasn't like that person with the "Jesus is my homeboy" bumper sticker. For me there is alot to be learned from the tax collectors prayer. "Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner!"

  3. Tyler Gentry-

    I think you are absolutely right Keith when you said parables "bring life." Parables were how Jesus connected to the people around him. He used everyday scenarios and aspects that people recognized to help drive his point home.

    To me personally, parables are even a way to see into Jesus' life and understand him better. Yes, they definitely help explain the concepts he is teaching, but they also show how relational he was and how much he desired EVERYONE to understand his teachings-not just the educated or deep thinkers. I think they give us LOTS to teach about when it comes to Jesus' character.

    And I would have to say my favorite parable is the parable of the Lost Sheep in Luke 15. It just speaks so powerfully of how much God loves every single person and how he would leave everything just for us.

  4. This discussion reminds me of the class I took with Jane over j-term this year. We talked about how Jesus used Parables(storytelling) as a teaching tool and how effective they were and still are in our society today. The pastor at my church uses this method to teach, not only the congregation on Sunday's, but also the staff during our weekly meetings. I think if Christ taught this way, then it must be a great way to get the point across to those listening.

  5. Emalee J. Dunkle
    Parables allow us to develop a picture in our head of what is going on throughout the story, accuracy of the figures and color of the grass really does not matter, what matters is the plot of the "story," and the reasoning behind the story. Imagination runs throughout our minds naturally, more as kids, and this brings even more light to this type of teaching because of the stimulation it provides and the deep learning that occurs. (not to mention Jesus used this technique!). I really seem to enjoy the parable of the Good Semaritain because doing good is this world is what we are hear for and we can easily ignor situations throughout our lives that we should be attending to and this parable allows us to remember how we are supposed to be to others in the world, like Christ.

  6. Sara Cover

    I love parables I think that they show how Jesus really wants every person to be able to understand his teachings. The way I learned what parables are is that they are an everyday story with a heavenly meaning. I think that describes them quite well, Jesus took examples right from the people's lives and applied the Biblical teachings he wanted them to know. So that when they walked away they could say "yeah I really get it" and see how it applies to their live in every way.

    My favorite parable is the one about the mustard seed. It really helps to show that even with the tiniest bit of faith, you can do great things for the kingdom.So it helps me see that even if I don't see myself as an amazing faith warrior, as long as I give what I got, God can still use me.

  7. Ben Evans

    Parables are a very useful tool for taking the listener into the story. I love the fact that there are parables that range from extremely simple to understand to more complex so that more people can relate to it. I feel like that different parables create wonderful tools to spreading the gospel because it is something that most people can relate to in one way or another. Another reason it is so useful is because it is a story and people love to hear stories. It is a different way to view the Scriptures and the principles that Jesus had to tell us.

    My favorite parable is the parable of the prodigal son. I love this parable because it shows so much of the nature of God and his forgiveness and grace given to us. I can never hear about that enough.

  8. Justin Metz

    The thing that I love most about parables is how short and sweet they are. I cannot speak for everyone but it takes a lot for something to first grab my attention and then drag it for more than five minutes. I really like how Keith says that parables bring Life to the pages. when reading a parable it hits in me in the fave when I first go through it. kind of like wow what in the world just happened. Then if I do not initially understand it the parable is intriguing enough to ponder on it to come up with a deeper understanding of it. Each and every parable has a great interesting story to tell and can really set an example for us on how we should live godly lives. Personally I like the Good Samaritan cuz I like helping people out.

  9. Tyler Cheek

    For me personally sometimes it helps to connect something out of the Bible with something commonly understood in our modern age. A parable is kind of like the movie Inception. The meaning of a parable is often the simplest idea possible within a given subject and it will often take time to resonate in a persons mind. From there the idea grows and grows and can dramatically change someone's life when they start to fully understand the meaning of the parable. The meaning of the parable is within the parable, which is within the life of Christ, which is within the scriptures. Each level goes deeper and deeper each time becoming more specific to a certain situation.

  10. Mike Smith

    Parables have had a deep impact in my life in that they put the life of Jesus into a meaningful story. In doing so, it has always helped me understand what Jesus' message was trying to convey in a way that was usually easier to understand. This happens to be an important way of teaching the bible in the same that it helps us connect to the story just a fable teaches us a lesson about life. My favorite parable has been The Prodigal Son - Luke: 15-32. This has been my favorite because it shows us not only the grace and forgiveness of God that Ben talked about, but there is so much back story to what the father did in order that he may bring redemption to his son.

  11. Rachel Elder

    Parables help me personally to understand something in the Bible that i can relate to and not feel like the word is pushing me away, but trying to connect with me in other ways. When I read something it takes me a long time to understand it, if I dont have a story to help me actualiy visualize whats going on. When Sara said that "parables are how Jesus wants every person to be able to understand his teachings." Really made me see another way to look at parables. I really liked that.
