Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Assignment for the week of 2/8 - Website Responses

This is due before 6pm on Monday.

Post the following:
1 Recreation Ministry Website Link (organization or church) that you agree with/prefer their approach
1 Recreation Ministry Website Link (organization or church) that you disagree with/don't prefer approach.

Include a 3-4 sentence description for each of your answers.


    This is First Baptist Church Powder Springs Recreation Ministries page. From looking at their site I agree with their purpose, which is essentially to use recreation to compliment the ministries of their church and use it to share Christ with others. They are reaching, enlarging and challenging their congregation. I really like the fact that they are challenging their church to engage in new fellowship and to use their talents and abilities through recreation to do that. Their recreation ministry looks fairly new, but I like the fact that their recreation facilities are open to everyone and not just for church members only, because usually the church members do not want outsiders taking up the equipment and what not.
    This is Mount Zions recreation ministries page, which I disagree with. They have no stated purpose, vision or goals, but what I can see from what they are doing with their recreation, I disagree with it. They are basically saying that exercise helps the body and soul as a whole, which is true, but I do not think that a Recreation Ministry should be strictly about exercise. Granted, I am sure they have vision for this in a ministry aspect, but from what I can tell it looks purely recreational and not so much ministry. While looking at these church and organization websites I didn't really know what to look for, I didn't know what I agreed or disagreed with. They all looked like they had a good purpose, but I guess that is part of the process of this class, forming my view of what Church and Family Recreation should look like and what its purpose should be.


    I like this website. It brought new light as to what Recreation ministry can be. Though not much info is given on the ministry itself, one can assume it is aligned with the church's values and beliefs. I like that it isn't recreation in youth ministry or something like that, but rather a whole ministry based around recreation. It opens itself up as a resource for the community.

    This ministry could use some work. They say they see the importance of recreation in ministry, yet they don't have much going on. The have Upward Basketball, but that's it on the site. Perhaps that is all that is offered right now, but it seems very exclusive.

    I really was interested by Chapelwood United Methodist Church’s mission on recreation ministry. I agree that the purpose of a recreation ministry is to show Christ’s love through fellowship. I am a strong believer in the idea that one of the best ways to reach out to others and show them Jesus is through interacting and building relationships. I like that this church offers many different types of recreation, from taekwondo to basketball and even Spanish and cooking classes for kids.
    I like the mission of recreation ministry as defined by Oakwood Baptist Church. It states that the ministry exists to share the gospel in a casual setting through sports and leisure. This ministry has many different activities for the community to get involved in, such as woods/water activities, basketball, and volleyball. One thing I did observe about this church’s ministry is that there doesn’t seem to be a great amount of activities available for women; instead the programs at this church appear to be focused on children and older men. One improvement I would suggest for this church’s recreation ministry is for it to include all of the community through its recreation activities as opposed to just focusing on one age group or gender.

    I agree with this outreach because that provide many ways for everyone to get involved. The church has something for every generation. They also have many community outreach programs that help get the church connected to their surrounding community. Those include: upward basketball, child care, ballet, gymastics, and a health and wellness center. Also, the center includes a different perspective of including music and crafts as part of recreation. Overall I agree with this church's view point on their ministry. They provide all ages with sources and opportunities to get connected and related to their church.
    This organization I feel is not branching out enough into their own personal community. I feel that they could incorperate more activites instead of the few they have. Also they could create programs for all ages so that the recreation center is inviting to everyone and not just the youth and young adult age levels.

  5. Zac Spoon
    This is a wonderful faith based ministry located in Indianapolis. They offer a very wholistic approach to ministry. I agree with there view of outreach because they want people to develop in all areas of their lives. They offer sports for everyone because they feel that people who are caught in the cycle of poverty deserve a chance to participate in recreation. They offer all sorts of things for community involvement such as: Acrobats, Gymnastics, Basketball, Workout, Tae Kwon Do, Wrestling, Chess Club, Jump rope Team, Cheerleading.
    I do not agree with this churches philosophy of ministry because they only offer ministries for kids. I feel that in order to have a radical impact on a community you need to have an emphasis on family.

  6. Kristi Line

    The First Baptist Cleveland Church seems to have many activities. They have sports, arts/arts and crafts, performing arts, camping, and cooking. This church gets the youth involved in the church service and it seems to be focusing on building relationships and growing in Christ. I also liked the fact that this church gets the adults in the church involved with the youth activities. They have many events for just children, youth and adults, but they also have many family activities.

    Mount Bethel United Methodist Church has several activities for their youth, but mostly sports, including Yoga. They also have music ministry and get their youth involved in the church services, but they didn't mention much about serving Christ.I didn't see how they put Christ into their activities and didn't see much emphasis on building relationships. None of these activities are bad, but I wish that they would show how their youth are developing their faith in Christ and how they are building friendships.


    North Metro First Baptist Church has something for every age. They have baseball, basketball, and softball, they also have adult softball and co-ed volleyball. These are open to all age groups. They believe 'ministry exists to help people grow physically and spiritually through athletics,' which I think is a good way to reach people who may join a team but not know much about Christ, it is a unique tool to reach others!

    First Baptist Nashville offers Kung Fu and Chinese Form Exercise Classes. It did not state whether these classes are for all ages or not. I didn't see any children or youth recreation activities, only midweek worship and other events, such as retreats and missions trips. It seems they do not have sports for kids to get involved it, which is what i liked about the church above.


    I love this organization and what they are doing for their community. I also love the fact that they are helping others to be able to do the same in their areas as well. They have many different options for many different groups and I think that is something that makes them valuable.

    This is a Christian camp in the Seattle area that holds many different types of camps and retreat groups. It is founded on Christian principles but I feel like it has a hard time living up to those. It seems to be more concerned with the bottom line lately, more than it is with the campers. I think with some new management, this camp could become a good thing once more.

    As far as summer camps go, they have really tried to reach out to all age groups children through adults. Somewhat local (Vermillion, OH), all year long they provide many ways to strengthen and encourage families. I like the way that though is supported denominationally, it is open for anyone wishing to grow in Christ and sweat a little bit.
    I am missionally minded as far as making an impact on the community. From the home site for the church, I am not sure what the sports programs are for: for those just in the church or actually "invite your friends" too. At least this is for all ages...

  10. Jessica Smazenko
    This is a Baptist church that is using sports and recreation for Ministry. I'm not sure I agree completely because it seems to be just separate programs that are doing things instead of incorporating recreation into learning. I think that they should not call it recreation ministry, but recreation programs that may lead to ministry. I don't think that what they are doing is bad, but I would do it differently.
    This other Baptist church does not seem to merely have different programs. They have a stated purpose for what they are trying to do. They want to minister to the whole person, and reach out to the community in a casual setting while showing how God can be a part of everything. Also, they use it to encourage seekers and believers to become involved to strengthen their families and relationships with others.

    This organization is a fairly small church basketball league that consists of seven churches that make up the governing body of the league. I completely agree with a basketball league as a great outreach program for the churches, there are so many people out there who are just looking for places to play, why not give them a place that is influenced by Christs love. My favorite part of the missions statement is when it says the "CBA was founded to provide for the whole person through Christian recreation and fellowship"
    I disagree with this website, and church only on one tiny little thing. Overall this church seems like it does a great job offering sports to children and using recreation to get kids to becoming better people. However in the mission statement they say they do it in a "non-competitive way" I am not sure I agree with that. I think there should be a way to incorporate competition without hurting peoples feelings. I also think its important, because competition is something people face on a daily basis and need to be prepared on how to win, and lose the right way.

    I like how this church's ministry reaches out to the community. That is very important aspect for a church to have. There are many programs to choose from for those in the community that are not unsure of how they would fit into this church. Not only do they help build relationships and strengthen the children's faith, they also develop the kids in a social aspect that will affect their future.
    This church's goal is to build strong relationships. But I never once saw anything about reaching out into the community. Now, they may be very community-orienated, but I got the impression that their main concern was for their own congregation and not reaching out into the community.
