Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Camps/Retreat Ministry

What have you learned about yourself by working with your team this year? What are the strengths that you bring to a team and what are some possible weaknesses? What are your positive or possibly negative tendencies in team work?


  1. By working with this group I have learned that it is very difficult to find time that works for everyone, so sometimes it takes sacrificing something else to be able to get the job done. I guess that would be one of my weaknesses, being busy with other extracurricular activities, in addition to being the "quiet one" and the youngest, since the seniors have more experience than I do. My strengths would probably be attention to detail and being prompt. As a teammate I like to sit back and listen, which makes me fit into the "recorder" position to write down things to remember for the group. However, when decisions need to be made I will definitely voice my opinion. I also like to think of different ways of doing things so that events and games will be an enjoyable experience for everyone that attends. Being quiet in a group can definitely be seen as a negative tendency as well.

  2. I think over the first half of the semester I got put into a random group but I'm glad I was in this group some things I learned is that college students are busy and it is hard to schedule but when we could meet we gave each other space to put ideas into the mix and that was great because it wasn't one person doing the work and we made decisions as a group. Some weaknesses I think we had was just the finding a time to meet and discuss things. For me personally I think that I was less of bouncing ideas off other people as more behind the scene organizing/planning what we were doing.

  3. What have you learned about yourself by working with your team this year? What are the strengths that you bring to a team and what are some possible weaknesses? What are your positive or possibly negative tendencies in team work?
    I have learned that I am capable of working on a team and not steam rolling everyone. I bring experience and energy. My weakness is steam rolling others or overcompensating for that and not being more aggressive. It is my constant struggle to find a good level of involvement in every situation.

  4. One of the thing I have learned is that I normally do not work in teams. I grew up learning to be very independent and this applies to group projects as well. It is a new thing trying to spread out work among a multitude of people when normally I am used to doing it all myself. I believe one of my strengths is leadership and strategy. Sadly, my weakness and negative tendencies is I spread myself too thin to really put 100% in to any one commitment. This bugs me because one of my best qualities is doing my best at everything I do but with this I know I can do better but I have run out of time to do so. Learning to say no to some things to more fully focus on other priorities is one aspect of myself I need to work on in order to better work with my team and future teams.

  5. I feel like our group is pretty well diverse in personalities, which makes our group work really well together. I think one of my strengths is that I can do whatever needs to be done regardless of the task at hand. unfortunately one of my weaknesses is the lack of creativity at times. This is something that I want to get better at so I can better help my team. I have learned a lot about myself, but also how to work with other types of people in a way that is beneficial to everyone.

  6. I have learned that I like to delegate the work, and have everyone do an equal portion of what is needed. If deadlines start crashing in I tend to take more charge in what is being done, or even work on the missing pieces myself. A strength I bring to the group I think is the logical, and realistic views of what actually is needed, what would be beneficial to have, and how to take something above and beyond what it is. A weakness of mine would be patience. A tendency when working with groups is having control and knowing. If I do not have the ability to have control and know what is going on, it creates extra stress for myself.

  7. Awesome questions! To start, my team is great! Super loving working with Catie, Nathan, and Judy. I think for me it has revealed that I can thrive more when I have a good team. I have not ever really liked teams because of the normal awful stuff that happens. My team has shown me that we truly are better as a group, so long as you have the right people supporting you. I believe that a strength that I bring to a team is organization and direction. I truly thrive when I am able to think out how pieces can start to fit together. On the flip side, I can get to buried in the details. Again, having a great team helps keep me on track here and focused on the essentials. I believe these also fit my positive and negative tendencies. One thing to add, I can sometimes get frustrated when someone does not mirror my commitment to the project. I have always been of the opinion that if you are going to do something, do it right the first time. So I can struggle internally when it seems like I have to do more work so that the expectations are met.

  8. Working with my team for this class has actually helped confirm for me that I don't think I want to be a youth pastor. Throughout, I have found that my Golden Retriever side had showed it's head whenever I work with strong leaders on my team. Many times, I would much prefer simple service-based ministry to organizing and giving orders to others. I know that I am good at theological academia and teaching those ideas to others. I know that, I'm willing to do whatever people need me to do in my ministry. However, I also know that when I don't know what to do I usually freeze (rather than finding some creative solution). Teaching may be my thing, but leading teachers may not be.

  9. Working with my team this year I've learned that I like true teamwork. Normally I will do a project by myself and enjoy it better, but this year, when my team worked out its quirks, I enjoyed the teamwork. It was nice being able to be a leader and a follower at the same time.
    As a strength, I am able to follow and help wherever it's needed. I think I'm also good at analyzing a situation and knowing when things need to be improved. Although I can know when things need to change, I don't always have the solution or the ability to think quickly on my feet. Another weakness I possess is the inability to really voice my feelings. I find it difficult to get to the bottom of things when emotional strings are attached and my feelings are hurt.
    A negative tendency I go to is slightly shutting down. When things get rough and rocky I sometimes just put my head down and do what needs to be done instead of relating like a team should. Once again, because of things that have happened in the past, I get scared to say how I'm feeling and identify what is really going on.
