Dustin Wine: Does Competition have a place in Ministry?
However It appeared to me that Christie was advocating for taking competition out of all games, and I am not sure I agree with that. Competition is apart of life, and I feel like if it is approached the right way then it is beneficial in teaching teens how Christians should win and lose, in order to help them face those situations later. But at the same time if there is too much focus on competition there will be people who begin to feel like they are losers. So it is a touchy subject, and I am curious as to see whether or not you agree with Christie when he wants to take competition out of games. Is there a way to ensure that people who dont win know that its okay, and know that nobody looks down on them? I think one of the most important things is to never focus on just one type of game such as athletic, or artistic, or intellectual. If many different types of games are played, and nobody is looked down on for losing then I think that competition is not only acceptable, it is beneficial and could be used to enhance your recreational ministry.
Dustin "Toma-Hawk" Wine.