Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Youth Meetings

Youth Meetings are considered to be the backbone of youth ministry. The meetings tend to be on a Sunday evening or Wednesday evening service, which gives you about an hour to engage with the teens. Typically youth meetings have a message and some sort of activity to go along with it to engage the teens in some way. It is extremely helpful for the game to relate to the message in someway. The problem is with such little time can you cover what needs to be covered in the time allowed and how much do you try to cover. Growing up our youth group met on Wednesday nights and this was the night we had a game to go along with our message and Travis would try and do a theme for the month. He was able to make it where we would want to come back the following week and continue on with the topic. He would give us questions to think about like "Who was someone that you haven't forgiven and why?" when we were talking about forgiveness and tell us the next week we would talk about why we need forgive. In the book this is under give them a reason to return, so what creative ways did your youth pastor use to give you reason to return and what new ways can you think of to keep teens wanting to come back every week? Besides food!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Missions as Recreational Ministry

Todd Rohrer

There are a lot of different ways to go about Recreational Ministry, but one we don't think of is missions. Typically when I think of recreation, I think of games and sports and what not. Missions does not fall into that schema, but it is certainly a part of recreational ministry. These trips offer opportunities for community building and that, I can see, is the heart of recreation. When Julie brought the students into class, a lot of them talked about just watching people worship God in these unusual places. Some talked about witnessing to people. Others talked about just seeing people being excited. One of the boys, I feel terrible because I can't remember his name--he was the one in the orange--he talked about the boy on the playground who had been shot by gangsters. He felt--he had compassion--for those who didn't know if they'd be safe at night. These missions trips not only build community within the students, but between them and the neighborhood. As Julie said, "It is when we are in over our heads that we have to rely on God and we are stretched."

And just to wrap up with some notes, Julie mentioned 3 steps of doing missions:
1. Provide the opportunity. If you don't set it up, who will?
2. Frame it (help them make connections of why they're doing what they're doing)
3. Celebrate it. Let them share what they learned and know they did well.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Offering the Gospel to Children: The Christian Calender

Emily Grubbs: How can we make the Christian calender real to the students, and how can we teach and help families use these celebrations and traditions in their own homes?

Usually when we celebrate the Christian holidays, we have certain traditions that we keep to remember why we celebrate each holiday. I know that every year my church at home performs an Easter play to invite others into remembering the death and ressurrection of Christ. In the reading Pritchard brings up an important point about how usually we emphasize learning about these Christian traditions (such as the celebrations of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter) as opposed to truly celebrating them. She believes that the best way to learn about something is to experience it for yourself. Engaging students in what is being taught has a lasting impact on young people than just hearing a lesson. By taking a part of the Christian calender and bringing it to life for the students, it can truly help them to learn how to engage in worship. That being said, how can we make the Christian calender real to students, and how to we make it practical for families to be able to use these celebrations and traditions in their own homes?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ideas Library: Planning Details

If no one has ever planned a camp, weekend meeting or a retreat, then they can easily get caught up in all the details of everything and end up spinning their wheels… essentially not getting anywhere. Everything from goal setting to vision to implementing a schedule for the event is drawn out and made easy to access. Sparking interest and combining people by playing icebreakers is a sure way to start the event off right, but their needs to be intentionality and authenticity from the leaders. There are creative ways to make up the rules for the event, either by letting the group make their own corporate rules or just making 2-3 sweet and simple rules. I appreciated the idea of the youth leader making “love letters” to send out the parents after returning, simply complimenting the student on behaving, making a decision, being a servant, etc. As a teenager, how were you involved in planning events like this, if at all and how are retreats built so as to encourage spiritual health and growth?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Humongous Book of Game's for Children Ministry

Zachary Spoon

This is really late but better late than never...

For those of you who may or may not know these past few weeks have been a very difficult/stressful time. There have been some family issues that have taken my time and attention away from school. Thank you all so much for your prayers and words of kindness. Things are starting to get a lot better but prayer and more help is still much needed. Thank all of you again for genuinely caring and being good friends!

In the "Humongous Book of Games for Children's Ministry" it discusses briefly the effectiveness of playing games in Children's ministry. It mentions ways to use games to drive home a point and other such techniques. I think that, when used wisely, games can be very effective but if they are used carelessly they can be more distracting than anything else. Where games used well in church growing up? What are some things we can do in order to be intentional with our game/lesson planning?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Trevor Lanz
Godly Play
The concept of Godly play I feel is a very important aspect to the development for children to grasp the stories and meaning of certain biblical themes. Godly play takes on the qualities of engaging and emercing the child into the story through visual aspects and puts the story in the child's element- which is play. Playing for children is not just a time of exercise, but a time of expression and a opportunity for the child express his or herself in their own personal way. So with that Godly play is directed to let the children "play" but in a directed and focused way on God. I think that this method can be usuful, but like all methods of teaching there is a place and time for it and there is a place and time for us to not use it. Developmentally, children's minds are always moving and growing- the Godly play captures their attention and nurtures it so that they can feel free to "play" in their own way, but also help in the creation of biblical concepts and stories. There are many resources and different methods and way to teaching and giving the gospel to children, but this method is stepping out of the classroom and traditional setting and letting the children connect in their best element which is Playing.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Experiential Basics, Methods and the Bible

Parables in the Bible were an important method because it was used as a tool to connect to the people within the culture. Describe how a certain parable can be taught to impact students in today’s culture…

One of the subjects that stood out to me in Chapter 1.2 was the section on Parables. I have always liked a good story; from Dr. Seuss to J.R.R. Tolkien. Stories are a part of our everyday life. They are fun to read, watch, and listen to, and they can also teach us a lesson. What is the question a parent usually asks their kids after reading a book? The answer: “What is the moral of the story?” or “What can we learn from this story?” Jesus does the same thing by using Parables. One of my favorite Parables is the Parable of the mustard seed in Matthew 13:31-32: He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches.” This represents the growth of God’s kingdom and it reminds me that Christian’s need to be willing to be a witness in order to bring others to God’s kingdom. Parables are important because they teach us a spiritual or moral lesson that would be easier to teach through a story rather than through an explanation. People can understand and remember stories better than they would a lecture. Therefore, I think that it is okay to use movies or books as an example to teach a lesson as long as the Bible is the main resource. You could use Horton Hears a Who as a lesson on listening or a lesson on faith. Or you could use The Lord of the Rings as a lesson on perseverance. Of course there is more to these stories than these subjects, but it would be a memory jog for the youth to help them remember the lesson. This makes parables and stories valuable for the fact that they are easy to remember and can teach a lesson worth remembering.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Experiential Youth Ministry Handbook: Full Day Events

James Rose

Question: Why is it important for youth leaders to plan and organize an event ahead of time, and what are some ways we can prevent overlooking details?

In the book we learn that full day events are not just an extension of our normal youth meetings. These are events that are different, and need to be special, these are the events that create the opportunity for regulars to invite others. These events are the ones that you are going to have to think about before you do them, you will need to do some major planning in order for the event to go smooth and be effective in reaching the goal you desire.

The book talks a little about how to do this and how to make it easy for everyone. The key is to be organized in the details, take enough time ahead of the event to plan out what will be done when and why it is being done. You need to consider the five W's (who, what, when, where, and why) along with how long, how much, and how many when planning. The book also gives us some other pages to help us make sure the event planning goes smooth... page 112 is called "fun with logistics" and page 114 is called the "task tracker" and finally to be sure the goal is being reached use page 109, the "praxis lens."

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Ideas Library: Details camps and Retreats

What are the pro and cons of how the church lock in used to be compared to how they are now?

After reading Types of Camps and Retreats I couldn't come up with any questions, mostly this section talks about different types of camps and retreats. I looked through it again and thought more about the church lock-in. In the book it describes how church lock-ins are done. They are done at the church and the students stay for a week (five days) and live at the church, eat and sleep. To them it is like a spiritual retreat. Everyday is planned, it suggests to study a book that is short enough to cover in a week. Plan a follow-up everyday after the study. The group can even do mission activities during the afternoon.

I feel that this type of lock-in would be more beneficial than our normal kind, where we stay one night and play games and possibly have a small lesson. It gives them more time with God and less time playing with friends, although both are good for us. The lock-in the book described seems more personal and more effective than one night playing games in the church with no sleep. The lock-in in the book is more of an experience with God and others, it has more potential to leave you spiritually filled and shows more growth than the one night lock-in.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Experiential Youth Ministry Handbook - Retreats and Camps

Jessica Smazenko: How can we help our students make a smooth transition back into "the real world" after camp experiences where they are isolated from outside influences?

After reading this chapter, I really thought about the importance of creating smooth transitions for the students back into the "real world" after the camp experience. I'm not sure of what an answer would look like fully flushed out, but I know that it would have to be a couple different things. For one, I think it would need to be intentionally planned into the camp. Address this issue and give the students practical applications that they can take out into their lives. Also, after talking with Dusty on Monday night, I really like the idea of giving the students surveys at the beginning of the week to see where they are spiritually and where they come from. This gives an idea of what they are going to be returning to and then things can be planned accordingly. Also, I believe it is important that the youth pastors or youth leaders are aware of who is going to the camps or retreats and keeps dialogue open with them when they return. Another idea is if more than one student went from the church, have a little "party" afterwords to ask how everyone is doing and just get back together in that same group of people. If they do not go to a church, then get them hooked up with a local church and youth pastor. All of these things can help the transition better.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Best Ever Games- Introduction

Dustin Wine: Does Competition have a place in Ministry?

As I read through the introduction of Best Ever games, the part that Stuck out to me the most was the Philosophy of games sections. It talks about how professional sports and competition take the fun out of games, and is something that should not be apart of any gaming ministry. In the way that this was framed in the booked I completely agree: games in your ministry are not just for the talented. I also don't think that people should be looked down on because they arent good at something, Thats why I feel like Les Christie when he talks about how important laughing and having a good time is.

However It appeared to me that Christie was advocating for taking competition out of all games, and I am not sure I agree with that. Competition is apart of life, and I feel like if it is approached the right way then it is beneficial in teaching teens how Christians should win and lose, in order to help them face those situations later. But at the same time if there is too much focus on competition there will be people who begin to feel like they are losers. So it is a touchy subject, and I am curious as to see whether or not you agree with Christie when he wants to take competition out of games. Is there a way to ensure that people who dont win know that its okay, and know that nobody looks down on them? I think one of the most important things is to never focus on just one type of game such as athletic, or artistic, or intellectual. If many different types of games are played, and nobody is looked down on for losing then I think that competition is not only acceptable, it is beneficial and could be used to enhance your recreational ministry.

Dustin "Toma-Hawk" Wine.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Experiential Youth Ministry- Introduction

Jake King - Does the shortcut of using resource books (game books) hinder or help Youth or Children's pastors from connecting with their students?

Experiential Youth Ministry Handbook - Introduction
John Losey, author of Experiential Youth Ministry Handbook, does not like games books because of their addictive quality and how they can discourage growth and depth, he sees that if a youth worker is disconnected from the program then the students can see this. At first after reading this introduction I completely disagreed with Losey, I mean why should we waste our time coming up with games when there are books that have them there for us, should we not be focusing on relationships instead? Do we really have to develop our own games, our own activities when they are already out there, why invent the wheel again?

However, I read the introduction again , and I think that game books , if used improperly can hinder a Youth worker from connecting with their students. I see Losey's point, game (reference) books should not be soley relied upon, they can be however, a framework, a starting point that can be molded to fit your group of students. If you put the effort into using games or activities intentionaly to suit your particular group, then you are engaged, you are digging deep into what the needs of your students are. So, essentially game books or resource books can help or hinder the Youth or Children's pastor from connecting with their students, it just depends on whether you engage in the material and connect and mold it to your group of students. Does this mean I will not use game books, no, rather, when possible I will fit it to my group and be intentional about teaching my students through a game or activity. I still think that there is a time for games to just be games, a time for fellowship and fun.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Assignment Posting Guidelines

In order to keep the site somewhat clean and organized I want to outline a few guidelines.

1) If it is your week to post the question start a new post in this format:
"Your Name - The Question you are posing"
2) In the body of the post start by stating the reading you are responding to:
i.e. "Experiential Youth Ministry - Introduction"
3) After that you can state your response/stance/thoughts.
4) Everyone else should respond to that post with their contribution as A COMMENT... not a new post.
5) At the beginning of your comment the first line should be in this format:
"Your Name"
Next Line: Your Response

I didn't outline that ahead of time, but many of your blogger names are not clearly identifiable as you, so we won't know who you are.

If you can edit your previous posts please go in and do that.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Recreation Websites

Jessica Smazenko
This is a Baptist church that is using sports and recreation for Ministry. I'm not sure I agree completely because it seems to be just separate programs that are doing things instead of incorporating recreation into learning. I think that they should not call it recreation ministry, but recreation programs that may lead to ministry. I don't think that what they are doing is bad, but I would do it differently.
This other Baptist church does not seem to merely have different programs. They have a stated purpose for what they are trying to do. They want to minister to the whole person, and reach out to the community in a casual setting while showing how God can be a part of everything. Also, they use it to encourage seekers and believers to become involved to strengthen their families and relationships with others.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Assignment for the week of 2/8 - Website Responses

This is due before 6pm on Monday.

Post the following:
1 Recreation Ministry Website Link (organization or church) that you agree with/prefer their approach
1 Recreation Ministry Website Link (organization or church) that you disagree with/don't prefer approach.

Include a 3-4 sentence description for each of your answers.

MVNU Church and Family Recreation Class - Spring 2010

Let the blogging journey begin!